LIPSedge™ L Series

Structured Light 3D Cameras

LIPSedge™ L210u/L215u
(Structured Light)

Compact, Accurate and Powerful

What kind of applications are suitable from using
with LIPSedge™ L Series

  • Applications as of a relatively close distance between 40cm ~ 1.2 meters
  • Use cases mostly include:
    • Facial Recognition
    • Object Dimensioning
    • Scanning small to medium sized objects for modeling use, such as toys
LIPSFace™ On-Device 3D Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition

| LIPS Corporation

Object Dimensioning

13@2x 2 | LIPS Corporation

Toy Scanning for Modeling

Structured Light Technology

t title best scanners | LIPS Corporation

What is Structured Light ?

Structured light is the process of projecting a pattern (usually grids or horizontal bars are used) on to a scene.

The way that these patterns deform when striking surfaces allows vision systems to calculate the depth and surface information of the objects in the scene, as used in structured light 3D depth cameras.

LIPSedge™ SDK 1.x

Build Once, Deploy Unlimitedly

The use of LIPSedge™ SDK 1.x simplifies the development process, and speeds-up the deployment

| LIPS Corporation
LIPSedge™ SDK 1.x