Smart Logistics and Warehousing with LIPS Solutions

Dimensioning Solutions with 3D Depth Vision for Smart Logistics and Warehousing


A compact 3D camera kit for handheld devices like tablets, scanners, or PDAs, enhancing productivity in logistics, retail, e-commerce, and manufacturing operations.


The LIPSMetric™ Handheld Dimensioner is a versatile mobile solution designed for real-time measurement of parcel dimensions and volume. This solution includes the LIPSedge™ L210/215 Structured-Light Camera and the LIPSMetric™ MeasureMaster 3D Application, enabling instant dimensioning of objects.


The camera kit seamlessly integrates with existing technologies such as Tablets, PDAs, and Scanners, fitting neatly into their current housings.


Build with HA110a

Integrate the LIPSedge™ camera module and software into your existing or newly designed product.


Evaluate with HA115a-MH

Evaluate the solution with a customized camera kit and protector on your Microsoft Surface Go3.


The System with HA115a-p

Industrial tablet solution for immediate measurement needs.


To find out more, please visit LIPS® website at

And contact directly for questions and inquiries to [email protected]


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